lundi 30 mars 2020

Nomination d'Henri-Jacques Citroën comme ambassadeur de l'AMICALE CITROËN INTERNATIONALE (2017)

Le 11 février 2017, lors de l'AG de l'AMICALE CITROËN INTERNATIONALE (ACI) qui s'est tenue au moment du Salon Rétromobile 2017, Henri-Jacques Citroën a été nommé "AMBASSADEUR DE L'ACI".

Newsletter from ACI. 
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Henri-Jacques Citroën is Ambassador of ACI: Congratulations!

By St. Joest on 16-Feb-2017

Henri-Jacques Citroën, one of the grandsons of the ingenious company founder André Citroën, has been appointed as the first ACI Ambassador by the Board of Amicale Citroën Internationale (ACI) during the ACI Annual General Meeting on 11-Feb-2017 in Paris.
In recognition of the service dedication to the preservation of the heritage of Citroën and towards the mission and objectives of the ACI, we are confident that M. Citroën will be of benefit to not only the ACI but also for the clubs, members and all others who love the vehicles and history of the famous company.

Ci-après un article dans la revue argentine CITROBAIRES qui rapporte le moment.

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